One of a kind... ...Forever love... Limited edition... Inspired by Emma I just had to put together my own Monday mix . So here we go... My mood for today and things that inspires me the most right now. As always, black and white, wood and some industiral details. I want fading colours, mixed patterns, brass and a black painted kitchen. And so I pass on the question. What inspires you right now? Inspirational pics The cross and Bisley storage | Vosgesparis, The Clamp lamp | Artilleriet, Black painted cupboards | The home of Yvonne Koné/photo Line Thit Klein, White porcelain | Tsé Tsé/ Slowfashionhouse, White wooden chair In Between | &Tradition, Grey blanket | French Connection, Brass Pot | Artilleriet, Bath | Agape, Knitted Sweather | H&M. All quotes and pics via my Pinterest